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Facebook Ads get all custom fields

  • September 11, 2022
  • 0 replies

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I’m running a zap with Facebook Ads to Salesforce integration.

Everything works fine except my users keep changing the tags they set in their facebook ads :

page_name : The FB Page Name
form_name : My Form
raw__i_want_to... : receive_a_sample_1_month_ahead
raw__full_name : JXXX Pxxxxx
raw__phone_number : +3300000000
raw__email :

For example they set fields in forms like “I Want To”, the next time it will be “What’s the plan”, and so on.

So the field name is not reliable, thus, one solution I was thinking about was to extract all the attributes starting with “raw” and then pushing them in a long text area on several lines.

I don’t know where to start ! Thank your for your help !

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