I have a configurable list in Jotform that comes to Zapier in what looks like JSON(?):
[{"Name":"Luke Skywalker","Number":"123456","Degree":"Test","Specialty":"Test","Owner/Associate":"Owner","Count":"1"},{"Name":"Buzz Lightyear","Number":"654321","Degree":"Test","Specialty":"Test","Owner/Associate":"Associate","Count":"1"}]
I am able to run the following:
output = {};
var obj = JSON.parse(inputData.JOTFORM);
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
output["Test "+ i] = JSON.stringify(obj[i]);
And get the output:
Test 0
{"Name":"Luke Skywalker","Number":"123456","Degree":"Test","Specialty":"Test","Owner/Associate":"Owner","Count":"1"}
Test 1
{"Name":"Buzz Lightyear","Number":"654321","Degree":"Test","Specialty":"Test","Owner/Associate":"Associate","Count":"1"}
This does split them up, but I am not sure how to get a count from that (with the above example having 2). I don’t necessarily need to spilt them, I really just want to know how many there are.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!