Hi folks,
I created a zap where the trigger step is a catch hook (i.e. a webhook that catches data from a post request). The trigger step is the default zapier webhook app.
In this app, I am given a generated Custom Webhook URL. I tested the app and all works as expected.
I then transferred ownership of the app to another team member. Interestingly the generated Custom Webhook URL changed as a result of transferring ownership, with no warning. As a result, the zap was no longer ‘catching’ posts meant for the zap, as they were posting to the old URL. To fix the issue, I had to update any post requests to the new URL.
Has anyone had a similar experience? I found this change confusing. There were no warnings to this effect when transferring ownership nor were there any error messages when the transfer took place, which meant the zap was not triggering and the process that depended on it was silently failing.
I’ve had a look through the docs and community posts, but I haven’t been able to find any explanation as to why this would happen (if this behaviour is intended) or bugs raised (if this behaviour isn’t intended).
If anyone can shed any light on this I’d really appreciate it. Thanks :)