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Create a template in Google Docs with a recommendation based on true/false values in Typeform

I am using typeform to collect data, my questions are mostly answerable in yes and no, hence it is saying true and false in typeform responses, i wanted to create a template in doc;s but if all answer are saying true and false, I would be a able to find and replate word in my template.


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Troy Tessalone

Hi @Newhereneedhelp 

In the Zap you can map each Typeform question to the desired GDoc Template variable {{placeholder}} so you’ll want to make sure you name each variable placeholder in the GDoc with a unique value.

Your right, but the problem is, all my questions are in yes and no, so I have multiple answer saying yes ( true) as per typeform format 

Troy Tessalone


You’ll map each of Typeform question (not answers) to a unique GDoc Template {{placeholder}}.

If there are 10 questions then you’ll want to have 10 {{placeholders}}, for example {{Q1}}, {{Q2}}, etc.

Check out this help article for how to map data points across Zap steps:

For example 


1. do you have business registration 




2. do you have a business account   



so hope you got my point, what if both answer say yes, how can i map that, And what if on second time a person say no on the form and I only map the yes part, hope it’s clear. 
My typeform had 80 questions and a lot of logic

Yes I can map it with question one and question two however each question have two answers  

as per the example above, If the person say yes on Q1, but whenever he or she fills the form again and answer No, then their will be nothing to map or if same recommended got inserted then what’s the point! 
hope it’s clear

Troy Tessalone


It might be helpful for you to review the available “Zapier Basics” articles to get more familiar with how Zaps work:


If Typeform has Question 1, and Question 1 has possible answer values of Yes and No, then if you were to map Question 1 to {{Q1}} in the GDoc Template, when someone submits the Typeform the Question 1 value (Yes OR No) will pipe thru to the GDoc Template and replace {{Q1}}.


That’s the premise behind mapping data points between Zap steps, since it allows the data to be dynamically populated.


TIP: When in doubt, test it out!

Yes you are right and I understand that, no matter what the answer is, it will show up on template because it’s dynamic.  
however , let me be more specific, if you answered yes on question one and I want to replace that by inserting a value which says “ it is positive point to have a business registration. However if that person says No on that question number one then, I want to say it’s a big negative you should definitely have a business registration on the template.

Troy Tessalone


Ok, that’s a much different requirement to solve for in the Zap.

You’ll need to use the concept of a lookup table to translate input values to output values.

Yes > it is positive point to have a business registration.

No > it’s a big negative you should definitely have a business registration on the template.

Zapier has an app for that: Formatter > Utilities > Lookup Table:

You’d need one step per question in order to translate the input values to the desired output values, then map each of those outputs to the GDoc Template {{placeholder}}.

Ok thanks will try that, and If I need further help with this zap can I post my question here, because it is the only zap I need to create for by business, I need all the help I can get, it will mean a lot, thanks 🙏. 

It works, please see 


However is there a way I can avoid using so many Formatter > Utilities > Lookup Table: ?because I would be needing 50 more, thank you

Troy Tessalone


This could all be done in 1 Code step using JavaScript, but that is a more advanced approach that involves technical concepts.

you could use a GSheet or Airtable with Formulas.

Either way sounds like there are a lot of questions each with unique responses so it’s going to be manually intensive to configure, regardless of the solution.

Well I got the result that I wanted so am happy, I will just go with this for time being, anyhow one last question. Since am going to upgrade to a premium plan, I wanted to only provide the questionnaire report only to paid members, so can you advice me like, a step where zap only continues If I receive payment.  
I am still to add a last action to the zap, which is email the document doc.

Troy Tessalone


You can add a Filter step to your Zap:

What app is taking the payment? (e.g. Typeform, Stripe, etc.)


Ok will try, I have stripe but am using a payment gateway called razorpay here in India, will update if that’s works. But am curious where exactly I should pace this filter. 
like for example am thinking: 


typeform then utilities then create google doc then FILTER then email at the last. 
is this order right 

Troy Tessalone


You want to add filters earlier in the Zap to make sure those don’t processes unless the desired criteria is met, otherwise it’s a waste of Tasks to filter later in the Zap.

Since yesterday I am trying to find a filter that will best suit this Zap however I could not find one, because If I insert... look for Google sheet row for a certain value then add a filter  that say if a certain value is not showing then it should discontinue.

however the payment is done by a client after submitting the typeform.  
can you please tell a rightful filter, because my zap start with typeform new entry submission 
I am using a payment gateway, called razorpay it has a web hook functionality however, catch the hook is only possible at very beginning of the zap, if I check the web hook by zapier after typerform app then it is showing things like get, pul, etc  

Thanking in anticipation 

  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • May 24, 2021

However is there a way I can avoid using so many Formatter > Utilities > Lookup Table: ?because I would be needing 50 more


Hi @Newhereneedhelp, to avoid building too complicated zap, take a look at the Plumsail Documents app. 

It supports document templates (works the same way as Google Docs templates) and has much more advanced features. For example, you can use special formatters in document template placeholders to define how your false/true will appear in final doc. 


Moreover, you can configure document delivery inside the Plumsail Documents account, so in Zapier, you’ll have just one action ‘Start document generation process’ for generating and delivering resulting documents.


To get inspired, you can check this ready-to-use guide on how to create documents on Typeform entries.


As for your 'filter' question, maybe, you should develop this idea with new google sheets rows and start the zap, say, when a new row is added, then use Typeform 'Lookup Responses' to pull responses data on a regular basis.


