Hey there ! I’m discovering Zapier. What a beautiful tool ! But I face an issue…
My purpose is the following :
- I create a google agenda event with specific text content and with ONE invitee who has a specific email address.
- Automatically, an email is sent to my invitee, displaying few informations (date of meeting and google meet link)
- Automatically again, my Pipedrive invitee Deal is updated
And here is how I planned to create those automations :
- Create a link between My Google calendar and Zapier, that detect a specific text in my Google agenda events (and that’s ok - it works pretty well)
- Find the invitee email inside my event and use it to update my deal...
But I’m facing this issue : I can’t separate MY email from the invitee email.
It’s to say that Zapier finds my event and different informations inside it. But when it comes to emails addresses, I got something like this :

The thing is I would like to send and email UNIQUELY to my invitee, not to me. And I can’t find a way to only consider my invitee email.
Furthermore, the attendees emails addresses order is not alway the same… Something my invitee email address is the first (1:), and sometime the second (2:)…
I have a lot of idea but can’t find a way to achieve my purpose.
Considering the third automation, I think I already know how to do it. But I’m stuck on the second…
Do you have any ideas to help me solve my issue ?
My english may not be very clear, I’m French, sorry I made my best :)
Thank you veeeery much