I am evaluating using zapier for Salesforce <> Jira integration. I can see how to workaround and create “both way sync of fields”. But I do have 3 questions regarding syncing fields, comments and attachments.
- Is there a way to create “middleware field values mapping”? Example Jira status values are Open, In Progress, Closed. In SF we do have values New, In Progress, Solved. Can I map ‘Open’ value from Jira to ‘New’ value in SF?
- For comments it look like it will be possible to get comment from Jira(
), but I have no experience using Zapier. The question is, if I can share it to SF (I was thinking maybe to field Internall Comments with tag #Jira before that), and also get comments from SF (from internall comments field AND from feed itself) to post as a comment to Jira (Action add Comment to Jira is available). - Last, but crucial for us is work with attachments/files, I can see action Create Attachment for SF, but for our use case more important is to get file from SF and create it in Jira.
Zapier looks great and I want to give a try, but for current project these are 3 limitations which I am not sure if we can handle.