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How do I check for day sequence in month? Like "second Tuesday" I'll hire tech support

  • October 28, 2020
  • 6 replies

I am designing a reminder app that will take input of something like “second Tuesday each month” 

I don’t know how to hook that. I also need to hire someone to do phone support to walk me through creating. Must have good verbal skills, prefer native or advanced English speaker. Please quite rates. Only occasional work. 

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6 replies

  • Zapier Expert
  • 854 replies
  • October 29, 2020

Hello! I’m not 100% sure this will help you, but @AndrewJDavison_Luhhu created this super helpful blog-post which helps with some of the logic of triggering a zap bi-weekly or more:

Now I think this will help familiarise yourself with the date and time features of zapier…


But some more detail on your particular issue would be super helpful - Are you designing an app, or are you only wanting to trigger a zap using these conditions?

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • October 29, 2020

I’m designing an app that tracks parking restrictions. In many urban areas, there are “street cleaning” notices where signs warn something like “No parking 12:30-4:30 second and fourth Wednesdays”


Usually it’s one day a month or every week but sometimes they are fairly random like above example. 


  • Zapier Expert
  • 854 replies
  • October 29, 2020

Ok, that makes sense - And you want to send this data to Zapier on this cadence? 

If that’s the case, you would just need to build that into the app. 

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • October 29, 2020

Thanks for your generous help.

I’m a total beginner with Zapier, I don’t understand 

-where the code lives and on what system it is run

-where a possible database of location/restriction schedules would best live

-can I design and compile an app so it can be sold on Apple’s App Store? 

  • Zapier Expert
  • 854 replies
  • October 29, 2020

Ok, I see what you mean. Whilst I’m sure it’s possible to build this app only on Zapier, you’re going to want to cover a lot of these questions independently:

-where the code lives and on what system it is run

I was referring to your code - I was assuming you were building an app externally. If this is not the case, then I would say you should start by figuring out your second question, first...

-where a possible database of location/restriction schedules would best live

Depending on your technical proficiency, I would recommend that you create a database using something like Airtable or Google sheets to begin with...(Assuming this is just a POC)...This is where your settings will ideally live

-can I design and compile an app so it can be sold on Apple’s App Store? 

Not with Zapier. You will need a front-end solution...For your use case here, why not start with Glide, and see how you get on




  • Architect
  • 1348 replies
  • January 7, 2021

Hey @snogroove we just wanted to check-in here! How did you ever make out with this workflow? Were you able to get the data/app/Zap set up to trigger on the cadence you mentioned? Let us know!