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Cannot read property 'number' of undefined

Can someone please explain what this error means. I am trying to create a zap that connect a Squarespace form submission to add a contact to Keller Williams command.


Best answer by jesseBest answer by jesse

Hello everyone! We wanted to let y’all know that Keller Williams has resolved this issue. :clap: If you continue to experience this error message while using the KW Command app on Zapier, please reach out to our support team to further troubleshoot: Thanks for your patience while our teams worked together to get this one resolved. :slight_smile:

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Hi @RealEstateGirlGuru and welcome to the Zapier Community :)

Can you attach a screenshot of the error you are seeing inside of the Zap step when you're testing it? I think that will help me out a bit. I get a lot of these errors from time to time and it could be happening because you have an empty value where there should be 'something'. Or the data is expecting a number and you are sending text.

A screenshot of the previous step's output would be helpful too.

Thanks for asking the community and I hope I can help you out.


Bryan from Workload

Hey there @workload thanks!

attached is a screenshot of the error when it happens. I believe I entered info in all of the required spots.




Hmm this one is strange. It isn't like the typical errors I run into in my day-to-day usage with Zapier. This is because none of the field names you are passing are labeled as "number". It's also tough because I'm not a KW member and can't access the Zap setup to replicate.

One thing you can try before escalating this up the chain to Zapier's engineering team ( is to skip the testing step and just proceed with your Zap setup. After you do that, you can do a manual run by adding a lead in Squarespace (John Smithson i.e.) and then see what happens.

If the task runs, then GREAT! If it doesn't run, you can check the Task History and look at the error. Screenshot that error and send it back to this forum and then we can advise you on how to fix it, or escalate it to Zapier's engineering team.


Bryan from Workload


thanks! I did try it and it still errors...attached is the error screen.



Hi @RealEstateGirlGuru,

Thanks for bearing with me and providing great screenshots. Are you on a tablet? That's nice!

OK so the last thing I would try before sending this off to Zapier's internal support would be send another test but this time pass along the "Phone" and "Buyer/Seller" fields. I'm wondering if someone marked them as optional but they are actually required fields.

If that doesn't do the trick then send it off to Zapier Support because I'm out of ideas :(

The way to contact Zapier Support is pretty nifty. Go to this site while you're logged in to Zapier:

Zapier | The easiest way to automate your work

And click on this button:

Screen Shot 2020-01-22 at 11.10.09 PM.png


OH and also reference this thread on the forum so the person helping you will have a frame of reference on everything you already looked into.

It will save you some time repeating yourself. Zapier's team is very efficient and responsive as well.


Hi @RealEstateGirlGuru ,

Was wondering if anyone from Zapier was able to help out and bring some closure to your issue?

Let me know!



  • Builder
  • 899 replies
  • March 31, 2020

Hey @RealEstateGirlGuru - We just wanted to check in to see if you were ever able to resolve the issue? Thanks!

  • New
  • 3 replies
  • April 9, 2020

Im new to zapier and just got this same message.  was trying to go through the channels to see if its mentioned anywhere and this is all I found.  Any updates?  Im actually trying to send to KW too.


  • Zapier Staff
  • 1366 replies
  • April 10, 2020

Hi @glenmit ,

Thanks for reaching out!

It seems you have also stumbled upon a known Keller Williams Command app bug. A bug report has been created for the team that looks after the integration, which is a third-party company, and hopefully, that's something they can fix up soon. I've made sure to note that you're affected by the error so we'll notify you via email once there's any news or updates to share.

In the meantime, you might want to also reach out to Keller Williams Command directly and let them know this is something you're experiencing. We’ve found that when our partners hear directly from their own customers, this helps get things moving a bit faster!

Sorry we don’t have better news but please let us know if you have any additional questions!

  • New
  • 3 replies
  • April 10, 2020

Thanks Liz!


I am getting this error as well. However everything is working and the lead goes from my CRM (Real Geeks) into Command properly. I get an email error though.


Here’s a task history entry of the error - 


I am also experiencing this same issue. Is this a Command issue or Zapier issue? I believe it is Command related but not an expert in this domain - yet.

Can someone please, please share how this was resolved. Is it still a bug in KW Command (Zapier)? I’m having the same error only it’s with Listing To Leads - KWCommand. I’ve tried creating default values to using Lookup to change values. I’’m really stuck. 


Thanks in advance. 

  • New
  • 2 replies
  • June 10, 2020

The top of this thread says “Solved” but it doesn’t seem like there is an actual solution. I have tried to add Default Text Formatters by Zapier to get rid of any empty fields and even when all the required fields are filled it still comes through with this error.

Anyone got this to work?


  • New
  • 2 replies
  • June 10, 2020

So after spending a few hours with various lead types I think I finally figured this out. Looks like in my case when the phone ‘number’ was empty, even though it says it is optional, I was getting this error.

To resolve the issue I added another Text Formatter between the steps to give the phone number a default of 888-888-8888. I tested with all leads that were not working previously and that seemed to do the trick.

  • Zapier Staff
  • 2115 replies
  • June 11, 2020

Hi @amirdekel! Thanks for providing that extra context and the workaround that you found. This thread says “solved” because we have an accepted answer (even though the answer is that there is a bug in the KW Command integration that’s causing that issue). So the issue itself is not resolved, but the best answer available here is the one posted by Liz.

@wheathcock @listingsmagic have you managed to resolve this? If not, does the answer by amirdekel help you out at all? I’ve added everyone in this thread to the existing bug report so when it does get fixed you’ll all receive an email notification!

@amirdekel @nicksimard I’m a Zap novice.  I’m having the same issue.  Can you explain your workaround in more detail? Between what step did you insert the text formatter (I’ll have to figure out what a text formatter is but I think I can figure that out).  I’d like to try your work around.



Has there been any progress with this bug?  

  • Zapier Staff
  • 3731 replies
  • July 1, 2020

Hi @seandezahd, thanks for your question about this 🙂


The Keller Williams Command app is owned and maintained by their team, and although we have reported this to them we can’t see the progress that they may be making with it. I’ve added you as an affected user on the bug to let the KW team know how many folks are running into this issue. That also means that you’ll get an email when it’s resolved. In the meantime, you could also reach out to the KW team to see if they have any updates. Thanks!

Setting up Follow Up Boss and KW Command and ran into the same issue. I was able to successfully set it up with the phone number. I think they just dropped the ball on the interface and it is a required field. @amirdekel got it right. Thanks so much! You should bump his answer to the top since he found the workaround for this and Command still isn’t working. 

  • New
  • 2 replies
  • November 13, 2020

I just started with Zapier and my first connect was Poptin to KW Command for a simple email subscribe. Only asking full name and email address. Tested and got the error “Cannot read property 'number' of undefined”. Has anyone from Zapier reached out to the KW people on this? If so is there an open ticket with them? Or should I have them open one (not sure I’m the best person to spearhead this). 

Really disappointing to fail on my first attempt!




  • Zapier Staff
  • 3731 replies
  • November 16, 2020

Hi @LNewcomer, I’m sorry that you’re running into this error in your Zap. 


We have let the team at Keller Williams know about this issue, and I’ve added you to that report so they know how many users are affected by it - this also means that you’ll get an email from Zapier when the issue is resolved. 


You can of course send KW a message yourself, sometimes it helps for an app team to hear directly from their users. 


In the meantime, people that hit the same error found that adding a number in the phone number field fixed the error - it looks like the field might be required even though it says that it’s optional. If check the original post in this thread, you’ll see that there’s a ‘best answer’ marked that explains how you can do that. 


  • New
  • 2 replies
  • November 18, 2020

Danvers, I contacted KW’s Command technical support team about this issue and this is the reply I got:

“This is actually a bug that is on the Zapier side of the integration with Command. So while this is a bug with Command this is actually on the zapier side. Our developers did investigate this issue previously and was informed that this was on zapiers side.” 

That response came from Brittany Dalberg, KW Tech Support. So it sounds like no one is doing anything to resolve because each side thinks its the other side’s issue. How do we resolve that? 

Also, is there a way that Zapier can add more fields to pull in from apps and send to command? Example, free form text fields and source fields. For instance, i have a Zap to get leads from Placester to send to Command. When it comes in to command, I have no idea what source it came from….or if the prospect entered info as to what they need, it doesn’t push into command. So I don’t know what they want, and I don’t know which App source to go find out.

I appreciate any help on these topics!