Hi, I’m new to Zapier but I’m already familiar to process automation as I’ve used Power Automate for the last 3 years :)
Let’s assume I have a step to get rows for a GSheets. My table has 9 columns and 6 rows.
Here you can see the output of the step 5 get many spreadsheet rows.

I then want to get all items for each row to be mapped with its header as GSheets cannot retrieve headers (that would be ideal to get them named as LABELS instead of 1, 2 etc.

That’s what I meant to do without success on step 6 with formatter / Line itemizer and the output looks fine.

But as I try to use these outputs in step 7 within the body of my Gmail message. I get them all set with comma as separator.

Any help would be appreciated as I did not find how to reading this post :