Hello! I am trying to set up two separate Monday Boards (Board 1 and Board 2) with the same group, item and subitem names in specific cases. I will use an example to simplify the issue:
- Board 1 Item Name: “Zapier 11-2024”, subitems: “person1”, “person2”, “person3”
I have a Monday automation that creates an item on Board 2 with the same name: “Zapier 11-2024”.
- As soon as “person1” status changes to “Done”, I want to create a subitem on Board 2 on the parent item with the same name (“Zapier 11-2024”) as on Board 1
The issue seems to be in mapping Item names when creating a subitem, with Zapier seemingly only able to create subitems on static items, or mapping Item ID (also unique), which would not be ideal.

I tried a lot of ways, and the furthest I got is creating a “helper” board which converts those “Done” subitems to items and has a text column with the parent item name, in hopes that I could map the parent item name to Board 2.
Can you please help with Item name mapping, or provide a different solution? Thank you in advance!