I have built a zap that creates Woocommerce bookable products.

It works fine except for one thing — the WC bookings meta fields. I checked the meta keys and corresponding values of my other products in the SQL database, and they look like this for example:
_wc_booking_availability | a:2:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"type";s:6:"custom";s:8:"bookable";s:2:"no";s:8:"priority";i:10;s:4:"from";s:10:"2024-10-01";s:2:"to";s:10:"2025-04-30";}i:1;a:5:{s:4:"type";s:4:"time";s:8:"bookable";s:3:"yes";s:8:"priority";i:10;s:4:"from";s:5:"15:00";s:2:"to";s:5:"20:00";}} |
_wc_booking_requires_confirmation | 1 |
_wc_booking_has_persons | 1 |
However, when I input the same data in the meta fields section in the Create Product step (like below) and then test it, it doesn’t work. The meta data for the newly created product shows up in SQL, but not in WC. Non-WC bookings meta fields, such as price_from or duration, work fine.

(the other WC booking meta fields don’t appear in Data out)
Below the newly created product’s meta data in SQL:

Would be very grateful for your help.