You will be able to transfer files from Jottacloud to Dropbox using Zapier. First, create a Zapier account and start a new "Zap." Set Jottacloud as the trigger app with "New File" as the event, and connect your Jottacloud account. Choose the folder in Jottacloud from which files will be transferred. Then, set Dropbox as the action app with "Upload File" as the event, connect your Dropbox account, and specify the destination folder. Once set up, Zapier will automatically upload new files from Jottacloud to Dropbox.
Let us know if this helps you jump-start your Zap.
Unfortunately, we don’t have a specific tutorial on how to transfer data from Jottacloud to Dropbox. If you'd like to read a bit further, we also have some great resources, here: