I have a Zap with FedEx Tracking number and Ebay Order ID - I want to add that tracking number to the Ebay order. However the “Create a Shipping fulfillment” fails if I do not provide a lineitemID despite the explanation explicitly saying I can leave it blank. I need to ship the whole order not a specific line item. This seems to be a bug in the implementation.
BUT if I do add a line item ID - the response passes, but… on Ebay side there is no tracking added to that item. So it looks like a success response, but nothing shows up on ebay side even when I do add item tracking.
Halp! I really don’t want to have to resort to another raw webhook API call…
I did some checking and discovered that we’ve got a bug report open for these “Cannot read properties of undefined...” errors that occur when no line item value is supplied. I can’t give an ETA on when this will be fixed but I’ve added you to the list of folks being impacted by this bug which will help to increase it’s priority. We’ll send you an email a notification once it’s been resolved.
In the meantime as Troy suggested, you might be able to get around this using a API Request or Custom Action. It looks like their createShippingFulfillment endpoint is the one you’d need to use. Not an ideal solution I know but if you run into any trouble in setting that up please do let us know - always happy to assist further! 🙂
I did some checking and discovered that we’ve got a bug report open for these “Cannot read properties of undefined...” errors that occur when no line item value is supplied. I can’t give an ETA on when this will be fixed but I’ve added you to the list of folks being impacted by this bug which will help to increase it’s priority. We’ll send you an email a notification once it’s been resolved.
In the meantime as Troy suggested, you might be able to get around this using a API Request or Custom Action. It looks like their createShippingFulfillment endpoint is the one you’d need to use. Not an ideal solution I know but if you run into any trouble in setting that up please do let us know - always happy to assist further! 🙂
Thanks! OK just happy to know I’m not crazy and it seems to be a bug.
I’ll use the raw API endpoint for now.
Can I say I really like how it seems now Zapier has for each integration the (beta) raw webhook for that integration. It’s nice to send raw webhooks but not worry about converting the Authorization header by hand etc :)
Oh no… @SamB I guess is this a new bug? The Raw API Request (Beta) does not seem to be sending the authorization tokens correctly from what I can tell.
I assume if there were being set as they should be automatically I would see them in the outgoing request header.
This is Ebay Team’s bug? I assume Ebay makes these built-in things and not Zapier?
Full response:
Response Body
"errors": [
"errorId": 1002,
"domain": "OAuth",
"category": "REQUEST",
"message": "Missing access token",
"longMessage": "Access token is missing in the Authorization HTTP request header."}
I’m so sorry you’re now running into an issue with the API Request action @Akrause!
The eBay app is actually one that’s built and maintained by our own developers but I suspect this might be due to an issue with our API Request action feature itself. API Request actions will automatically censor and potentially sensitive data which can sometimes cause issues. 🤔
Would you mind re-creating the request using an Custom Action? It will also automatically handle the authentication headers so you won’t have to do set those up! 😅 And as it handles requests differently to how API Request actions do, I’m hoping it may help to get around this issue of the token not being sent over to eBay as expected. 🤞
Yay! I’m so glad using Custom Actions solved it @Akrause! 🎉
As with links to your Zaps it’s best not to share those sorts of links here in the Community as it’s a public forum, so I’ve removed them from your posts. Great work on getting those actions set up. I’m really pleased you’re making good use of custom actions, love to see it! 🧡
Sounds like you’re all set for now, but if there’s ever anything else we can help with do let us know.