Hello everyone, I have what is hopefully a simple question to solve. Thanks for any help.
I am using Zapier with Squadcast, with limited success --
One issue, aside from it not working at all, is that the triggers from Squadcast don’t all have the same amount of descriptive information in them.
The Squadcast trigger [New Audio Recording Available] has the fields (example values):
File Name user_1_03-22-2024_150936
Mp3 File URL https://storage.googleapis.com/squadcast-7fa10.appspot.com/….user_1_03-22-2024_150936.mp3
Event Name audio.rendered
Wav File URL https://storage.googleapis.com/squadcast-7fa10.appspot.com/….user_1_03-22-2024_150936.wav
ID audio_rendered
The Squadcast trigger [Recording Session Ended] has the fields:
Name recording_session.ended
Webhook ID recording_session_ended
Description a session has ended and been destroyed
Show Name Test Show
Session Title Test Session
Session ID 12345678
What I would like to be able to do is use the [New Audio Recording Available] trigger to upload the Mp3 File URL to cloud storage into a newly created folder named …/[Show Name]/[Session Title]/.
How can I pass these Show Name and Session Title fields from the [Recording Session Ended] trigger to the upload action triggered by [New Recording Available]?
I’ve tried this flow also:
[Recording Session Ended] → [Find All Recordings in a Session in Squadcast]
But it returns “No data available” when tested.