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how do i take data from received from chatgpt from column a and have zap put it in column b and then repeat the process?

  • December 10, 2023
  • 1 reply

hey there, been at this for awhile today so i might sound a little off


In Google Docs I have large groups of texts in their own individual cells in column A, i have set up the zap to take data from column a feed it to a chatgpt assistant who creates the outline i want to go in column b,


i am having a tough time with the following:


how do i set this up so that it moves through the entirety of the google doc?

i have this zap succesfully setup and it has run row 22 but even with me adjusting some of the data in column a has a test has not recognized it nor triggered the action to run the prompt


and also how if possible could i introduce looping into this? i have attached pictures to hopefully help clairfy what my racked brain is trying to explain. regardless, i appreciate any time that you take to respond and hope you all are doing well.





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  • 7492 replies
  • December 11, 2023

Hi @here2learn, welcome to the Community!

Are the rows in the spreadsheet being updated with unique values? Asking as it will only trigger for unique updates in a row. So if you update a column in a row to “done” for example and the Zap triggers (or you pull it in as a test record), if later it’s changed it to “in progress” and back to “done” again, then the Zap won’t trigger. This is because it’s already “seen” that column contain the value of “done” in that specific row. See our Google Sheets: Updated Spreadsheet Row trigger isn't working guide for more details.

Do you think that could be the cause of the issue?

Also, is the Lookup Spreadsheet Row (Google Sheets) action in the Zap attempting to lookup the same row that triggered the Zap?

If so, you can omit that action and change the Update Spreadsheet Row (Google Sheets) action to take the Row field’s value from the New or Updated Spreadsheet Row (Google Sheets) trigger instead - as that trigger should also output the row’s number/ID. 

For the looping, what actions are you looking to loop through? Is it that you’re wanting the Conversation with Assistant (ChatGPT) action to generate multiple responses that you can add into different columns of the same row?

If so, you’d need to put a Looping by Zapier action at the end and move the Conversation with Assistant (ChatGPT) action inside of it. As a loop can only be placed at the end of a Zap the Update Spreadsheet Row (Google Sheets) action would also need to go inside of it, after the ChatGPT action. You’d need to have the different instructions that you’d want the ChatGPT action to run through supplied in a list. Then the Zap would loop through each one individually and run the Update Spreadsheet Row (Google Sheets) action for each separate column update in the row. You can learn more about using loops here: Loop your Zap actions 

Looking forward to hearing from you!