hey there, been at this for awhile today so i might sound a little off
In Google Docs I have large groups of texts in their own individual cells in column A, i have set up the zap to take data from column a feed it to a chatgpt assistant who creates the outline i want to go in column b,
i am having a tough time with the following:
how do i set this up so that it moves through the entirety of the google doc?
i have this zap succesfully setup and it has run row 22 but even with me adjusting some of the data in column a has a test has not recognized it nor triggered the action to run the prompt
and also how if possible could i introduce looping into this? i have attached pictures to hopefully help clairfy what my racked brain is trying to explain. regardless, i appreciate any time that you take to respond and hope you all are doing well.