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How do I combine multiple zaps into one area?


So as the title suggests, I’m trying to set up multiple zaps so that they all end up in one centralized area but in different spots. Specifically a board. Only issue is, the fields I’m looking for in Printavo (the place where I’m pulling my information from) does not have the relevant information.

Let me give an example.

  1. I want the name, number, image and date from a task in Printavo.
  2. Issue is that the field I’m getting information from does not contain the image or an accurate date.
  3. I have to make a new zap for it.
  4. I run into the issue where trying to add it to results in a duplicate of the same item being created but the relevant fields I need are filled out. 

I want to be able to have it so all of the information gets stored in one place and then gets put in its proper place without having to micromanage all of it.

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12 replies


@DarkRoom try using Find ( in Monday) step to search if the task exist in monday or not and then create/Update it

Troy Tessalone

Hi @DarkRoom 

Good question.

Try using these Monday Zap actions:

  • Get Item by Column Value
  • Change Multiple Columns Value


  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 27 replies
  • November 2, 2023

I guess I’ll try and post my whole process as I seem to be over-complicating it for myself when I try to fix it by myself.


I’m trying to get the invoice number, customer name, production date and an image that is connected to the invoice in printavo to automatically be added into a board.

I can get everything but the production date and image. The trigger I use (New Task in Printavo) doesn’t have this information and I’m not sure how to go about getting it other than making a new zap entirely and trying to coordinate it between the multiple zaps to update the same item in

Troy Tessalone


It would be helpful for us to see detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured to give us context.

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 27 replies
  • November 2, 2023

Sorry about that

This is currently what I’m working with. Its far from optimized.

If you need to see anything specific please let me know.

Troy Tessalone


You mentioned having 2 Zaps, but only posted a screenshot of 1 Zaps.


Did you try this advice for the second Zap?

Try using these Monday Zap actions:

  • Get Item by Column Value
  • Change Multiple Columns Value




NOTE: To further optimize the Zap steps, you can use 1 Code step instead of multiple Formatter steps.

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 27 replies
  • November 2, 2023

I did try having multiple zaps but I would like to condense it down to one zap to keep everything orderly. Would what I’m trying to do even be obtainable in only one zap? I know that you can’t have multiple triggers in one zap.


Also as far as the coding optimization goes I know next to nothing about coding so that wouldn’t be all too practical for me at this time.

Troy Tessalone


We would need to see detailed screenshots with how each Zap step is configured to have more context.

We would also need to see screenshots that outline a specific example and the issues you are facing with the data in Monday.

  • Zapier Staff
  • 406 replies
  • November 3, 2023

It sounds like your use case would be solved if the New Task trigger also pulled in production date and image. Is that right?

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 27 replies
  • November 6, 2023

Yes, that is correct.

  • Zapier Staff
  • 406 replies
  • November 6, 2023

Hey DarkRoom,

I’m looking through the Printavo API and I don’t see a production date or image field on their task object. Are these custom fields you have set up? Is the production date you refer to the due date on the task?

Hey @DarkRoom 


I am a heavy user and I can tell you few tips that should work with any app for the most part. 


I am not familiar with Printavo personally but I can tell you regarding adding images in Monday the following: 

1. The image will need to be a URL. 

2. In case Printavo does not publish a URL to an image within your task (as @shalgrim mentioned), then you won’t be able to pull the photo or image you want to use. 

3. If you do have a URL for an image, then you will need to use a step called “Upload File to Specific Column” assuming you know the item ID. 

4. For a date, you said you are not getting an “Accurate Date” - how are you getting the date? And how you would like it to appear in 

5. Note that has different data field types (text, numbers, date, location, file) - It is easiest to use “Text” field type for everything except of course “File” and “Location” which shows location on map (Google Maps) 

6. You mentioned that you are getting a duplicate in Monday - you should add a “Filter” to only continue if “item with specific column value” does not exist. 

I hope all these notes help in some way! 

One key advise I would mention, is that it is very important for you to know the Item ID if you want to update an existing ID. 

You can potentially create and/OR update a within the same Zap but will need to filter in the condition of “if does not exist, create”  / “If item exist already, then update column values” 

Consider using “Paths” by Zapier which allows you to run multiple conditions to check against before doing any action. 

You will need to be on a higher plan to access the “Paths” which is a multi-filter essentially 

Again, I hope this all helps and happy to give more feedback if you have any comments 
