I have a couple of questions about the ChatGPT functions. I’m trying to put together a chatbot that uses chatgpt.
- What’s the difference between the user message and the assistant instructions?
- Does the memory key store both the user message and the assistant instructions?
- What if I create 1 zap with 1 prompt that is 1000 words, but the user message is dynamic based on what the person chatting with the chat bot says…
- Will the assistant instructions be counted towards the context window (via the memory key) for every time the zap is triggered?
For example:
- Our prospect sends 1st message.
- We query chatgpt api via our zap with 1000 word assistant instructions.
- Prospect responds to that message with their 2nd message.
- We trigger the zap again for our 2nd response.
Would that add 2000 words to the context window? Or is the assistant instruction a one-time add to the context window?
Would both the assistant instruction and user message be entered basically into the chat log and chatgpt is simply told that one is different than the other?
If I had 2 zaps, 1 for the first message with the user message, and 2nd completely different assistant instruction, for the 2nd user message, would Chatgpt disregard the first assistant instruction or string it together with the 2nd assistant instruction (so they would build on top of each other).
So would Chatgpt basically have 2 dialogues going in its memory key for the conversation: 1 for the convo with the user and 2nd for the ongoing assistant instructions? Both of which it keeps the memory of?
(Assuming it is within the context window.)