I didn’t found any informations here on the Community Zapier so I’m trying to figure out how I can automate data time for a random Trello card to different lists in Trello.
Each cards in Trello will be create randomly so I can’t add an ID card before.
The issue is that I will move manually the card to different lists as “steps” but everytime I use the trigger “moved to list XX” it creates a new row and it’s not following the ID Card in Trello 😥
Is there a way to follow the “life” (in my case I will need the time in order to calculate a duration) of a specific and random card in Trello to different lists in Google Sheets ?
Not really sure that my question is clear 🙄
For the moment I can only easily follow the time creation of a random card in Sheets… It’s a beginning but not enough unfortunately..
Thank you in advance for your help and support !
PS : I can provide screenshots of my Spreadsheets and Trello Board if it could help