Hello Guys,
So I was wondering how do I go about this task:
I want Zapier to look into new Shopify orders, lookup an SKU, and match it with a google sheet file, I then want to format certain line Items as well as a Product Description from the Google sheet file from that order and place them in a Google Docs file like this:
ORDER no: lineitem [] Order
Customer Information:
First Name: lineitem [] First Name
Last Name: lineitem [] Last Name
Order Details:
QTY: lineitems []qty
SKU: Line Items [] sku
Desc: Line Items [] vendor line Items [] Product Title [description from Google Sheets]
This is all good if I only have one item being ordered but if I have multiple items then it does not look great, what I wanted is to have something like this:
ORDER no: lineitem [] Order
Customer Information:
First Name: lineitem [] First Name
Last Name: lineitem [] Last Name
Order Details:
QTY: lineitems []qty
SKU: Line Items [] sku
Desc: Line Items [] vendor line Items [] Product Title [description from Google Sheets]
QTY: lineitems []qty
SKU: Line Items [] sku
Desc: Line Items [] vendor line Items [] Product Title [description from Google Sheets]
QTY: lineitems []qty
SKU: Line Items [] sku
Desc: Line Items [] vendor line Items [] Product Title [description from Google Sheets]
QTY: lineitems []qty
SKU: Line Items [] sku
Desc: Line Items [] vendor line Items [] Product Title [description from Google Sheets]
So based on the number of items in the order it will create grouped QTY SKU AND DESC lines. Is this even possible? I tried using line Itemizer as well as text to line items and it seems to just show them separated with commas and shows it as a single line. Can anyone please help?