Is there any way for Zapier to find an event in O365 Calendar and edit that event?
We used to have a Zap that updated our scheduled Calendly events in Google Calendar by adding additional attendees. There was a step to Find Event and a Step to Edit Event. I can’t seem to find the same functionality with O365 Calendar.
Best answer by jesseBest answer by jesse
Hey @bwawrzy Troy is correct in that this isn’t currently available but we do have an open feature request for it as well as an existing thread about this. I will add your vote as someone who is interested and we’ll be sure to update that thread if/when this gets added.
Hey @bwawrzy Troy is correct in that this isn’t currently available but we do have an open feature request for it as well as an existing thread about this. I will add your vote as someone who is interested and we’ll be sure to update that thread if/when this gets added.