I have a Google Sheet on a teams drive that I have linked to a Google Form. Every time a Form is filled out, this Google Sheet autopopulates with the information inputted on the Form.
Once this happens, I am looking for Zapier to help me create a new Google Sheet on the teams drive using the information from the first sheet.
This issue: Zapier isn’t letting me create the new Sheet within the teams drive. It is only letting me add the sheet to my personal drive. Is it possible to add the new sheet to the teams drive?
Best answer by christina.d
Thanks for reaching out, @TrevorWG! Troy touched on this but currently, while there are some Triggers that support Team Drive, the “Create a Spreadsheet” Action in Google Sheets doesn’t support Team Drive.
That said, there is an open feature request for this that I’ve added your vote to it! I’m not able to offer a time line but in the event this does get implemented we’ll be sure to shoot you an email and update the thread as well.
In the meantime, I don’t know if this fits your use case but a workaround my teammate Nick offered in a similar thread was to use the Google Drive integration instead. The thread is closed but specifically this bit might be useful:
Depending what you’re trying to do you could consider using Google Drive instead (like the Create File from Text action, for example).
You can see in my Zap that this is an option:
And it’s one of the drives that shared with me:
I’m not sure if your particular workflows would be able to take advantage of this workaround, but Team Drives are definitely supported in Google Drive.
Zapier relies on Google Drive's notification system to identify when there are changes in a spreadsheet. This currently works well for Google Sheets in your own Google Drive, but can be a problem for spreadsheets within a Team Drive.
In order to help Google prioritize that issue, please visit Google’s issue tracker, and click on the "star" at the top, to indicate that you would like the problem to be fixed.
In the meantime, Zapier has created separate triggers that work with Team Drives. These are marked with (Team Drive) in the Trigger Event dropdown menu, in the Choose App & Event part of your trigger step.
The actual problem is with where the Google Sheet is created - I want it to be created into the Teams Drive, not my personal drive, but I am not given an option. Also, the spreadsheet I am using to copy does live in my personal drive, but I would want this to live in the Teams Drive as well.
The Trigger from the Teams drive works great, and I have used it for many other Zaps.
Thanks for reaching out, @TrevorWG! Troy touched on this but currently, while there are some Triggers that support Team Drive, the “Create a Spreadsheet” Action in Google Sheets doesn’t support Team Drive.
That said, there is an open feature request for this that I’ve added your vote to it! I’m not able to offer a time line but in the event this does get implemented we’ll be sure to shoot you an email and update the thread as well.
In the meantime, I don’t know if this fits your use case but a workaround my teammate Nick offered in a similar thread was to use the Google Drive integration instead. The thread is closed but specifically this bit might be useful:
Depending what you’re trying to do you could consider using Google Drive instead (like the Create File from Text action, for example).
You can see in my Zap that this is an option:
And it’s one of the drives that shared with me:
I’m not sure if your particular workflows would be able to take advantage of this workaround, but Team Drives are definitely supported in Google Drive.