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Facebook Pages Error: We couldn't find an item

  • July 19, 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi Community

I want to be able to share posts from my facebook-page to another application. The following behaviour hinders me:

  1. Connect this app → “Facebook”
  2. When this happens → “New post to your timeline”
  3. I connected my Facebook-Account → This works
  4. I select the page I want to connect to (where I’m an administrator) → pages shows up, I select it
  5. I hit “next”, message “Getting data from facebook pages” appears
    • Result: We couldn’t find an item

As stated earlier, I’m an administrator on the facebook page. There are several posts by myself and others on the page.

Any help is appreciated!


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1 reply

  • Zapier Expert
  • 166 replies
  • July 19, 2021

Is it a Facebook page created through Facebook or Facebook business manager?


Depending the way of creation the page has different scopes of the API.