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Hi All,

I recently launched a new integration app on Zapier.   Vybit sends distinct, custom sound notifications that you create by choosing from thousands of possible sounds (from The idea is that the specific notification sound itself tells you exactly what Zap trigger fired (and if making the effort to grab and look at your device for the notification details is warranted).  Vybit is free and it also works with anything that has outbound webhooks. Please check it out including the Zap Templates, I think you will find it super useful! Questions and feedback are very welcome! Thanks, Brady

Vybit on Zapier

Hey there, @ThomasPopp!

Thanks for swinging by to ask this in community. This has been a bit of a quiet thread so I wanted to mention, it might be worth reaching out to their support team directly to see if this is possible. 🙂

Best of luck!

Killer work! 

OK I have to ask a question - as a production sound mixer, is there anyway to improve the quality of what plays back? I want to use this for super high end files that are 10-15 seconds long that literally tell me what just happened.


“A new product was added to the store - go check it out on the Zapier spreadsheet”

Love it @vybit - congrats!

Thanks, Nick! I appreciate the plug and good ideas for use cases in your post! It will be fun to see the creative ways folks will come up with to use Vybit. -b

Hey @vybit!

Thanks for stopping by the Community to let our members know about Vybit. I created a post about it without seeing that you’d already added your own. 

Really neat app :)

Forgot to include a link to the Vybit website: