Every use case for automation is different.
Often it depends on the capabilities and limitations of the apps involved to determine if introducing automation would be providing value or over-engineering a solution.
Think of Zapier’s Transfer, in it’s current form, as a 1:1 mapping of data from a source app to a destination app.
Example: Export data from a source app to a GSheet to use as a backup.
Meaning if you’re trying to do anything more advanced at the moment, then the Transfer app may not be the best solution.
Thank you! What would be the point of using Zapier for this transfer then, when I can just download the information and bulk import it to Salesforce? This seems like paying to do something I already do, rather than an actual simplification of the process.
Hi @sammyiam
Not sure Transfer is going to be the right approach for your use case.
When trying to link objects in an app like Salesforce, it expects the internal Object ID for the Contact.
That means the data variable being mapped in the Transfer config needs to be the internal Salesforce Contact ID.
Plus, for your requirement of creating Contacts if they don’t already exists, that logic can’t be added as a step in the Transfer.
You may be better served by using a Zap to transfer the Zap, and prepping the exported data from Eventbrite in a GSheet.
Try these Zap Steps
- Trigger: GSheet - New Row (would be the data exported from Eventbrite)
- Action: Salesforce - Find/Create Record - Contact
- Action: Salesforce - Add Contact to Campaign
The idea would be to configure the Zap, then copy/paste chunks of records into the GSheet tab being used to trigger the Zap.
NOTE: There are rate limits to be aware of (100 records at the same time) when triggering a Zap: https://zapier.com/help/troubleshoot/behavior/rate-limits-and-throttling-in-zapier