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Single Zap for Multiple Unbounce Pages

  • 5 May 2020
  • 1 reply

I am currently building a bunch of landing pages in Unbounce and using the built-in zapier integration.  I have multiple pages in the landing page funnel that uses the same form.  Is there a way to build one zap and use it for all of the pages? (or do I need to build a new zap for each page even though it is for the same integration)



Hi @BizConnect! It’s not currently possible to set up a Zap that will trigger on all of your Unbounce pages, sorry about that!


We do have a feature request open for this and I’ve added you as an interested user. This lets the Unbounce team know how many folks would like to see this addition and also means that we’ll send you an email when we have an update. In the meantime, you’ll need to set up a Zap for each page that you want to trigger from. 


​I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any questions!