Sending a follow up email with Square appts

  • 26 November 2020
  • 1 reply

I really love the features Square appointments and the interface.

HOWEVER, they have yet to offer a follow up option for emails after the appointment. 

I am wondering…

is there a Zap that allows this to happen?

I see Paths is available and I might check it out but it’s pricy. If I join Paths, will I be able to manage multiple email addresses (different companies I manage) and Zaps?

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @charmcitymama!


Are you using Acuity Scheduling for your appointments? If so then yes, you can absolutely use a Zap to send a follow-up email after an appointment. 

The Zap would probably look a bit like this:

  1. Trigger: Acuity Scheduling - Appointment start
  2. Delay (Add a delay step so that the email goes out after the appointment(
  3. Gmail (or whatever email app you use) send email


As for whether or not you need Paths, it depends on what else you’d like to do with your Zaps.


Paths allow you to add different logic conditions into your Zap. For example, if the appointment type is X do the Zap actions in Path 1, if the appointment type is Y, do the Zap actions in Path 2. You can learn more about how Paths work here: Adding branching logic to your Zaps with Paths


You can also use Filters steps to add logic to your Zaps. When a filter is added to a Zap, it looks at the information coming into the filter and only allows the actions to continue if the information meets specific criteria. Here’s a guide to using filters in Zaps: Add conditions to Zaps using Filters


If you want to trigger Zaps from different email accounts, you can do that by creating more than one Zap. You can connect more than one Acuity account or email account to Zapier and create different Zaps with each account. 


I hope that all helps!