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make fields anonimous

  • 7 November 2020
  • 3 replies

I need to make personal information anonimous but still allow for a small preview of the data.


For example an email address needs to be converted into saXXXXXXXer@gmXXX.Xom

Or a phone number into 06XXXXXX12


How can I set this up?


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Hello! I’m not sure this can be completed without a code step..

This will do it in a JavaScript code step (some of the clumsiest code I’ve written...But gets the job done...)

function replaceRange(s, start, end, substitute) {
return s.substring(0, start) + substitute + s.substring(end);

let email =
let phone =
let emailStart = Math.round(email.length/4)
let emailEnd = emailStart*3
let phoneStart = Math.round(phone.length/4)
let phoneEnd = phoneStart*3

let newEmail = replaceRange(email, emailStart, emailEnd, "XXXXXX");
let newphone = replaceRange(phone, phoneStart, phoneEnd, "XXXXXX");

output = t{newphone, newEmail}];


Regex ( in a Code step: