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LinkedIn Lead Gen Form to Salesforce

  • 16 October 2020
  • 6 replies

Everytime a form is submitted in LInkedin, a NEW lead is created in SF - regardless if there is another lead with that email already.


Is there a way to update the exiting lead?

Hi @SilviaFiat 

Salesforce has a “Find or Create Record” search step you can use to ensure there are no duplicates.


I don’t see it here:

Can you please advise? 


Use “Find Record” then on the configuration screen there should be a tickbox that allows you to create a record if none is found.

Ok, I will try.

I need to update the record if it is found, I don’t want to only create new ones.


You can add an “Update Record” step after that to achieve this.

Hi @SilviaFiat 

Just checking in, did you manage to get this sorted?