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New to Zapier,


I am trying to send one field in Jotform (a longer text description) to Buffer Ideas, so my team can review the ideas and then prep the social media posts to send out.


I do not what or how to use the image, attachment field. What am I actually sending, what format. When I just tag the field (social media post - the text field) it gives me a 400 error.


There are no other options. Do I need to convert that text data into something else first before sending to Buffer? 


That would mean moving from the free version to a paid version as there would be 3 steps. I cannot seem to find a vidoe to explain the image transfer process. Any suggestions or links would be highly appreciated.



The Media field is a dropdown list of options.

Each option has 2 values. (top/bottom)

If you are mapping a dynamic variable from a previous step, then the variable value must match to a BOTTOM value for an option.


Help article about using files in Zaps:

First screen is the Buffer output, second screen is the action and trigger in Buffer. The third is what should appear as the text in the first screen???

Hi @northernboy 

Good question.

Please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured along with any errors to give us more context.