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Is it possible to dynamically select Google Calendar name?

  • 5 September 2022
  • 1 reply

Hello! I have a Zap “Webhook > Add an event in Google Calendar.

I would like to set dynamically Google Calendar based on the datas sent via the webhook.

I try to select Google Calendar Via Custom Tab and select Data (The Form Name is the same name as my Calendar) but I got an error: Google Calendar error message: Failed to create an update event in Google Calendar, the app returned "not found"

Of course, when I manually set the google Calendar name, the zap works.

I have multiple Google Calendar, so is it possible to use only one zap and set dynamically Google Calendar or do I have to duplicate zap for each Google Calendar?

Best regards.

Hi @comutd,

Generally speaking, when you’re trying to dynamically set a value instead of choosing it from the dropdown menu, you have to use the ID as opposed to the user-friendly label.

In order to do that, you can check out lookup tables:

You make pairs of values. What the incoming value is (the name) and what the corresponding ID could be (the one highlighted above). Then you map the output of this step into the Calendar field in that screenshot (you would click on Custom).

Hope that gets you pointed in the right direction :)