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Intercom: Send push notifications to intercom Users from Salesforce trigger.

  • 4 November 2022
  • 1 reply


I need to integrate Salesforce with Intercom. The use case is as follows:

When an email is sent from Salesforce a new push notification should be sent to the To email address(es) of the Salesforce email, in Intercom.

So if I send the email from Salesforce to  a User in Intercom with the same email address should get a push notification in the app.

Is this possible with Zapier? I tried using the Send Incoming Message for Intercom but from what I can tell is sending messages into the account related to Zapier, and the same I get from the description of the action: 

Send a message from a User into your Intercom app.

I appreciate any help I can get with this use case.





Hi @RodrigoE!

It’s not possible to send push notifications with the Intercom integration, I’m sorry about that. 

There isn’t an existing feature request around notifications, but you can get in touch with the Zapier support team (using the Get Help form) and they’ll be able to take look into that for you. 

Sorry I don’t have better news for you today!