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Hi All,

I am successfully sending entries to Outlook calendar, and they are showing at the correct time (08:00AM in this case), however the entry goes in with UTC time which needs changing by my staff.

On test output i get this;

originalStartTimeZone: UTC

originalEndTimeZone: UTC

and as for the date/time

startDateTime: 2022-07-15T22:00:00Z

endDateTime: 2022-07-15T22:00:00Z


Ideally these entries would be in AEST (GMT +1000) - I have added Z to the end of the date formatter to show +1000, however i still see the entry as UTC


What specifically is used to set originalStartTimeZone and originalEndTimeZone?

Hey folks, just reaching out here to share that the bug report has been closed! 😁

Now events in Outlook should no longer ignore the selected timezone settings. In order to take advantage of the fix that was applied you’ll want to ensure you’re running the latest version of the Microsoft Outlook app on Zapier. 

That said, if you’re still experiencing any issues after upgrading please do reach out in the Community or our Support team to let us know. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️


Oh bugger - Thanks for the update - I had some high hopes for using this to book our calendar entries - I hope this can get fixed up soon

Hey there, @RobF300! Thanks for reaching out.

Bad news bears here but I did some digging and it appears you’re running into a known bug with the Microsoft Outlook app where it’s essentially ignoring those dropdown fields. 😔

While I don’t have an ETA to give you on a fix for this, I did add you as an impacted user. We’ll be sure to email you once it has been been addressed and keep the topic updated.

Thanks again for flagging this and welcome to the Community!