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I have created a connection between the firebase and squarespace. I want to move the real time database from the squarespace to the firebase. I got all APIs from the squarespace, but I don’t know how to use Zapier to show all the database on the firebase. After the connection, nothing happens, the firebase cloud database doesn’t update automatically. I don’t know how to operate it.

Best wishes,


thanks my issue has been fixed.

Hey @HengDong, welcome to the Community! :)

It sounds like you may be having some trouble setting up the Firebase/Firestore step in your Zap, is that correct?

If so, we have a couple of guides that you may want to check out here (if you haven’t already!):

If you’re still running into issues after reading those, I’d recommend reaching out to our Support team for assistance. They will be able to dig into the logs and review the setup of the Zap to better investigate and help troubleshoot any issues with you. :)