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Im trying to create a zap betwen monday and Mail chimp im trying to add a subscriber but get stuck with what to put in the new e-mail field

Hi @guy6543 

Check out the post below - it should help you sort this issue:

@AndrewJDavison_Luhhu  thanks im not quite advanced enough for that yet. ill have to pay someone to do it i think.

Hey there! Would you mind sharing a screenshot of the options available to you?

I dont know what to put in the email address list.

If you click on “Show All Options” there might be an email address hidden away?


Can you check?

I’ve tried that but it doesn’t give me the option. It comes up with one really long column value which takes into account every column within the group on

@guy6543 - I’m the person that built out the solution talked about in that post - so would be happy to build it out for you as well. PM me if you want to talk details.

I also want to do same with my mail chimp account. I’m collecting the email of my local service and want to send email marketing. Can anyone help?


Did you try following the post I linked to?