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How to convert Square Pickup orders to shipment automatically with Zapier?

  • 10 January 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello Zapier Community,

I am currently taking self-serve orders through a Square 3rd party app called Kioskbuddy. The orders can only be placed as PICKUP fulfillment type. I can create a Zap Square to Square that creates an entirely new SHIPMENT fulfillment type order with the given parameters from the first PICKUP order, but then I’m left with 2 orders. Ideally I’d be able to just update the order automatically with the fulfillment type changing from PICKUP to SHIPMENT and use data received in the original PICKUP order to include in the shipping address field.


Again I have figured out how to create an entirely new SHIPMENT order automatically from the original PICKUP order, but can not figure out how to just update the existing order automatically.


Any help is much appreciated!

Kind Regards,


Hi @collintheshoc 

Have you explored either of these options to use the Square API?