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How do I use Zapier to send Vplan invites with customer-selectable appointments?


Im trying to built a Zap to automate sending invite links to our customers, in which they can plan their own appointment with out company. The trigger comes from Vplan, and this step is clear to me. The problem is, I just can't seem to find the right action for this. I've been looking in Office365, Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar. When I pick an action similar as 'create event’, I have to set the date and time beforehand, but I wan't my customer to be able to plan this themselves. The invite link should then also provide availability in our calendar and I want the first possibilities to be 6 months after the date the invite link has been sent.

I would prefer to set the action in Microsoft Bookings, but Outlook, Google Calendar or any other app that would provide this option will work for me as well. 


If you have the link to the Calendly Event, then perhaps try something lik this…


Zap Steps:

  1. Trigger: vPlan - ???
    1. Unclear which vPlan trigger event you are trying to use
  2. Action: Gmail - Send Email
    1. Include the link to the Calendly Event, so the user can self-schedule

It should be this one in Calendy, only I want to send the invite first based on the trigger I already have. Could there be a way to work around this?


@Troy Tessalone 

Yes, I've considered most of them but they all lack the option to send an invite for the customer to plan it's own meeting as an action. I know Calendly for example does have this functionality but it is not presented in Zapier.


Have you considered using a self scheduling app such as Calendly or these other options?

@Troy Tessalone 


I'm using the 'New or Changed Card’ trigger with a filter based on card status.

Hi @Verlaan 

Which vPlan Zap app trigger event are you trying to use?