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I’m looking for clarification on how to make this integration work ⬇️


New lead in FB Lead Ads


Lead data (Name, Phone number) gets transferred to BotPress in the form of ready to use variables within BotPress

BotPress bot contacts lead at WhatsApp using the phone number and name from FB



Variable in BotPress = Info from FaceBook = Name of lead form FB = Phone number of lead from FB


I just need help on how to transfer the FB Ad lead info to BotPress so that I could use that info in BotPress bot flow in the form of variables



You’ll have to rely on BotPress Support for how to configure their app.


It's recommended that you send your data in JSON format so you can send multiple value at once, as Zapier will automatically parse it.
For example, you could use the following expression to send a JSON object with multiple values in the "Trigger Data" field of the "Send to Zapier" action:

{{ JSON.stringify({ myVariable1: workflow.myVariable1, myVariable2: workflow.myVariable2 }) }} to take screenshots: to take screenshots

Hi @Troy Tessalone 

i got the Zapier side of the integration sorted out


but the variables are all delivered in one chunk to BotPress, I put them into a variable workflow.zapierData


how can I separate the workflow.zapierData chunk into three separate variables (, and using execute code step?


this is how my test BotPress workflow and execute code looks like 


Reference this article for instructions:

Looks like you need to add a Code step.

Hi @Troy Tessalone,


Thank you for responding,


Here is how my zapier workflow is looking ⬇️


Hi @RissheG 

Help article from BotPress:

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.


  1. Trigger: FB Lead Ads - New Lead
  2. Action: BotPress - EVENT]