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I am trying to update deals in Hub Spot triggered by uploading a new file into a folder. However, I am unable to locate any test data containing the Folders and Sub-Folders that the file is located in. Is it possible to locate the Folders and Subfolders of a file from Goggle Drive or is there a work around? Thank you.


If you are trying to use a HubSpot - Update Deal step, the you need to know the HubSpot ID from a previous step.

If you don’t know the HubSpot Deal ID, then try adding a step for HubSpot - Find Deal.


I am trying to find a way to get the Object ID of the Hub Spot Deal Name, which is the same name as my Google Drive Folder Name which i am uploading the new file into. See below:



Hi @Mcat 

Good question.

Please clarify which GDrive Zap step you are trying to use with screenshots.