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How do I create a link between Calendly when a cancellation happens and issue a refund within Stripe?

  • 19 January 2023
  • 1 reply


How i could link calendly and stripe together.

I would like to create a link between calendly when a cancellation happens to tell it to stripe.

And stripe automatically send a refund.

thanks for your help :) 

Hey @Antakai, welcome to Zapier and the Community! It sounds like you’re looking to trigger when an event is cancelled in Calendly and then process a refund in Stripe, do I have that correct?

If so, while we can trigger on cancelled events, we don’t have a way to take transaction-specifc actions within a payment processor. That’s mainly to prevent accidental charges and refunds so this likely won’t be something supported in the future as well. You’ll likely need to look into other software and/or do this step manually. 

If any other questions come up, just let us know - always happy to lend a hand when we’re able!