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Ao realizar a criação da etiqueta no zapier para o trello ela cai sem a cor. realizei o teste de colocar a cor após selecionar o caracter que deve virar etiqueta adiciono o nome de alguma cor porém não muda, continua sem cor.


Como solucionar essa questão? existe alguma automação?

Hi @Develops G.M.A.P. 

Good question.

We would need to see screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured.

@Develops G.M.A.P.

Translated to English:


How to create a color label from Zapier to Trello


When creating the tag in Zapier for Trello, it appears without the color. I carried out the test of placing the color after selecting the character that should become a label, I added the name of a color but it doesn't change, it remains without color.


How to resolve this issue? Is there any automation?