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How do I copy news from a website into Wordpress?

  • 31 March 2022
  • 1 reply

Good morning,
I would like to create a scenario that copies each of the news posted on this website ( into my wordpress. I am not able to find the scenario that performs this function, as the news from the original website are not published in any XML or RSS. Therefore, I need a scenario that is triggered every 15 minutes, crawls the original page ( and if there is new news it sends it to my wordpress.
Can you give me some clue?

Hey @PabloVA!

Sounds like you need to find a web scraping application that integrates with Zapier. A quick search brought up an article written by my peer Nick and the last application on the list - Wachete - looks like it would be worth investigating. Here’s some info on the Zapier + Wachete integration.

I am so sure there are other applications as we have new integrations launching every single month. Let us know what you land on!