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Help with Google Cal Zap (email users with specific ResponseStatus)

  • 5 October 2022
  • 3 replies

Hi, i’m trying to create a zap for Google calendar that looks like this:


Trigger: 1 day before event starts

If Atendee reponse status = needsAction or tentative

Action: email those attendees only (ignore the ones that have a “ declined “ or “ accepted “ status)

Condition: Trigger only once


I feel this being super easy, but the answer escapes me.

Thank you for helping


Hiya @cristian.ene! Thanks for swinging by and raising this in community!

What a great question. I did some digging and think this is probably achievable but would likely require some testing!

It might look like something like:

  1. GCal Trigger - Event Start
  2. Filter by Zapier - Attendee Response Status (this is the bit that may require some building and testing out)
  3. (Your email provider) Action - Send Email

I know you mentioned you’re new to Zapier (yay! 🎉) so I’ll also pop some resources below:

I’ll also pop some resources below that may be useful if you’re just getting started with Zapier:

Do you think that could work for you? Keep us posted, we’d love to know how it’s coming along!

Hi @cristian.ene!

Here is how I would do it (very similar to what @christina.d suggested above, but using Looping by Zapier to ensure the right emails go to the right attendees):


Hi @cristian.ene!

Here is how I would do it (very similar to what @christina.d suggested above, but using Looping by Zapier to ensure the right emails go to the right attendees):


@Todd Harper you rock!