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Facebook Messenger "messaging_referrals"

  • 9 March 2020
  • 1 reply

Hi, how can I get the messaging_referrals webhook (sent when a new conversation is created, and contains referral information of the conversation) with Zapier?

At the moment, the facebook messenger "new" messages trigger only sends the following payload


"id": "1234567890",

"locale": "en_US",

"recipient_page_id": "123456789012345",

"sender_first_name": "Zap",

"sender_full_name": "Zap Zaplar",

"sender_last_name": "Zaplar",

"sender_psid": "234567890123456",

"text": "Hello, World!",

"time": "2019-05-29T15:06:21Z",

"timezone": "-7"



Hi @AlanDoubletick!

It's not currently possible to get the messaging_referrals field when a new conversation is created, I'm sorry about that!

We do have a feature request open for this to be added to the New Message Sent to Page trigger. I've added your email address as another vote for this addition - we use these feature lists to prioritise updates to the integrations which we maintain. I don't have an ETA of when or if this will happen, but we will definitely email you if we add it in the future. :)