our zapier account ran out of credits 3 days back and so we had to turn off all our existing zaps until it was renewed on friday !!! when i tried to enable the zaps today i was thrown an error:
Unable to refresh access token. Error code 400: {"error":"invalid_client_id","error_description":"client identifier invalid"} You should try reconnecting your Pardot account!
So understood it was related with pardot. when i went to zaps it was saying account has expired suddenly !!! then i tried to reconnect the zap with business ID but was again thrown with an error !!
could anyone help to rectify this scenario !!
Best answer by DanversBest answer by Danvers
Hi everyone!
I’m very pleased to report that this issue has now been resolved. The Pardot integration will now work as expected, but you will need to take the following actions in order to restart your Zaps:
2) Turn all Zaps connected to Pardot off and on again.
If you have Zaps that encountered an error during this issue, any associated Zap runs will not be able to be replayed. If you have data in your Zap Runs that cannot be replayed, and you would like to send that data through your workflow, you can export your Zap runs as a CSV by following these steps:
If you have any questions on how to do this, the best thing to do is to contact the Support Team using the Get Help form. They will be able to look at the data in your Zaps with you and can advise you on the best way forward.
@Danvers@william@nicksimard Following this thread. Please add me to the list to be notified when this is resolved. We currently have 57 Zaps that use Pardot constantly to pass leads.
We are now one week from the issue originating and 2 days since the status page was last updated. For 1 week, the primary function of our college has been severely limited by this disruption and there isn’t even an ETA on resolution. This is unacceptable.
I'm sorry I don't have a better answer at this time. I absolutely understand the impact, and we'll keep pushing the engineering team for a fix as quickly as possible.”
@PerfectServe, I’ve added you to the list of affected users and @TLP, it looks like the Customer Champion who helped you via email has already added you.
I don’t have an update on this currently, I’m sorry. As @william mentioned, you can also follow this issue and subscribe to updates on this status page.
I am still getting the error too. This is so frustrating. I think I will just set up the automation to create a lead in SF directly until this is solved. We also have leads failing to come through!!
@PerfectServe, I’ve added you to the list of affected users and @TLP, it looks like the Customer Champion who helped you via email has already added you.
I don’t have an update on this currently, I’m sorry. As @william mentioned, you can also follow this issue and subscribe to updates on this status page.
@Danvers@william@nicksimard Following this thread. Please add me to the list to be notified when this is resolved. We currently have 57 Zaps that use Pardot constantly to pass leads.
I’ve just added you to the list of affected users, we’ll be sure to alert you ASAP once this issue is resolved.
@Angel association, errored actions do not count toward your task limit, only actions that have completed successfully. So there shouldn’t be any extra usage associated with any steps that failed due to an error. I double checked the list on the bug report and it looks like we have you listed, we’ll be sure to alert you as soon as there is a solution!
Hey @John.Radcliffe2, thanks for your questions here and sorry for the hassle!
There hasn’t been any further information shared because there isn’t more information to share yet. Each member is added to an email notification list so that they can receive a notification as soon as there is a solution. If there hasn’t been a notification, the issue is still ongoing.
I can definitely understand the frustration with the delay and the trouble a major bug can cause. However, I do want to make it clear that the community forum is not for customer service. We have a dedicated support team that handles all customer service inquires and these forum posts serve as a way for the community to gather, help each other, and raise awareness of issues or features that the community are interested so moderators can alert the right teams and make sure those issues are tracked.
All customer service inquires should be directed to our dedicated support team as it is not guaranteed that a staff member will always be available in the forum. We do our very best to provide high quality moderation here, but customer service issues should be sent to our support team directly via our Get Help page here: https://zapier.com/app/get-help
Sorry again for the hassle and we’ll be sure to alert all users that are on the affected user list for this bug as soon as there is a fix.
Hey @MarcLal, @penny.hoff, and @KeithCrowell, I hope you’re well!
I’ve just added you to the notification list for this issue so that we can be sure to alert you as soon as a fix is deployed.
@penny.hoff this issue is the #1 top priority for our engineering team right now and we’re actively working on a fix. I have added you on the bug report that was escalated to our engineering team so that we can alert you ASAP once the issue is resolved. I apologize for any trouble this has caused!
How can we get all the data that is not currently coming into Pardot, after the issue is resolved and after the zaps are reconnected? I just hope that we don’t have to manually import all the leads that are not coming into Pardot due to the bug.