I am trying to create a zap where cognito forms is the trigger and the action is creating a new word doc from a template. The trigger is working and tested. The template comes up. However, the fields are not filling in. I am assuming this is because the fields within the brackets on the template don’t match, but I am having difficulty trying to figure out what then, those should be. For instance, last name if the field name was Full Name and I want only the last name, wouldn’t it be {{FullNameLast}} on the google docs template?
Just checking in to see if you still need help with this?
TIP: Try to remove and re-add any variable in your GDoc that is not showing up in the Zap step.
From experience, it doesn't matter what you name your variables, just so long as they are surrounded by brackets like {{this}}
Have you definitely setup your document as a template correctly inside GSuite? It’s a bit of a process.
Here’s an article about using GDoc Templates: https://zapier.com/blog/create-autopopulate-google-docs-template/
I read that article - unfortunately none of the mapping is coming up for the fields. Zapier isn’t recognizing them in the template to bring them in to map them, so I am sure I am naming them wrong in the template but can’t figure out what they should be named based on what they are in cognito forms.
What if the answer I wanted in the google was for a field lets say is called, What is the state you live in? . Wouldn’t it then be {{Whatisthestateyoulivein}} be the placeholder in the google doc to bring that answer/information in? Because, that is what I am doing and it is not working.
Here’s an article about using GDoc Templates: https://zapier.com/blog/create-autopopulate-google-docs-template/
To do what you are seeking, you would need to split the Full Name into two fields. You could use the Zapier Formatter > Text > Split to do this. Then map the LastName variable to the {{LastName}} placeholder.
I would be happy to review the zap further if you can provide the Zap screenshots.
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