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Creating companies in Intercom using Zapier?

  • 2 December 2021
  • 1 reply

Has anyone attempted to create Companies in Intercom using Zapier?

It seems pretty straightforward to add an individual contact (user/lead) but when I try to find/create a company the Zap fails and states ‘While requesting "resource" from Intercom we ran into an error: The app returned "Company Not Found".

I have the ‘Create Intercom Company if it doesn’t exist yet?’ box ticked but it insists on locating an existing Company and wont continue to create a new Company.

Has anyone else overcome this issue? 


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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Owen Clubmate 

Might be best to open a ticket with Zapier Support to troubleshoot further:


Can you post screenshots with how your Zap step is currently configured for Intercom Find/Create Company?