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We have a zap that takes a trigger from a project being commissioned in Zoho and creates a project in Asana from a template.

This all works fine (especially since we added steps to prevent the duplication caused by the known Zoho duplicate triggers issue).

However, in the “Create Project From Template in Asana” module, you have to specify the Asana account as a fixed user (so myself) therefore all project are owned by me in Asana. Within Zoho we have a field for who will be managing the project so I’d like to assign them as owner within Asana - so that would mean either adjusting here at the creation stage, allowing this field to be dynamic (but, that would mean configuring all our users to have Zapier API accounts).

Or, we need to be able to, once created, adjust the owner in Asana, but there doesn’t appear to be a Zapier module for this?

Anyone have an idea of a workaround for this problem? I don’t relish the idea of talking all our users through giving Zapier permission and then setting up a Zap for each of them (with an owner filter) and then managing that when people onboard/exit going forward.

Hi @Murrian

Hmm, if you’re getting a “not authorised” error then it sounds like maybe the your personal access token was missing or wasn’t added in the way that Asana is expecting.

You’d need to add an Authorization header and include the text “Bearer” followed by the your Asana personal access token. Which would look something like this (with {Personal_Access_Token} replaced by your own Personal Access Token):

If you’re not sure where to get that personal access token from I’d recommend checking out this guide which gives details on how to get the token: 

 Hope that helps. Please do keep us in the loop on how you get on with this!

Thanks, with that I found this (which hadn’t come up on my other searches) which seems to be exactly what I need:

Now to just work out how to implement it, thought I’d followed that but getting “not authorised” errors = \

Hi @Murrian 

Good question.

Often an app’s API/webhooks need to be leveraged for advanced functionality.

Asana API:

App APIs can be used in Zaps with the Webhooks app: