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I run a non-profit radio station at a community college.  Especially since the pandemic, we have had to rely more and more on syndicated radio shows--that is, programs produced elsewhere instead of hosted by local DJs.  Many of the show files (either .mp2 or .mp3) come in via RSS and I have worked out how to handle acquiring those with little or no human intervention.

Quite a few show files are acquired via links sent to our Gmail account; I then have to click on the link (which usually sends me to a file transfer site like WeTransfer) then click again to download the file.

Some other shows are on password-protected sites that require you to login, which takes you to another page from which you can click ‘n’ save the files you want.  For these downloads, I have tried various routes, software, scripts, etc. with varying results, depending upon the site.

I AM NOT A CODER!  I have posted queries in various forums, groups, and pages asking essentially if “Tool A” is appropriate for either of the tasks I have in mind.  I have received almost no responses.

QUESTION:  Is Zapier a potential tool to automate either downloading from emailed links OR from secure sites?



Just checking in to see if you still need help with this? 

Hi @DolphinRadio!

I don’t know of a way to follow a link from an email in order to then download the file from something like WeTransfer. For the other ones, where you have to log in, if there’s some central page where all these files are added you *might* be able to use a tool like Wachete, with their paid plan that allows you to watch for changes made to sites behind a login (as opposed to just public sites).

Then you can use the Zapier integration to trigger on the changes that are made. But that means that the link would have to be something that can be accessed directly in order for Zapier to be able to make use of it.

I realize it doesn’t solve all your problems but hopefully that helps give you some ideas!


Thanks for your response!  I have all the shows fed via RSS covered already; the “problem children” are those that require me to login to a particular website then select which files to download, AND those that come in via emailed links to third-party file transfer sites like WeTransfer.  Again, my thanks!


Hi there @DolphinRadio - Thanks for posting, Bob! Wow, your program sound so awesome! I wish we had this when I was in community college. That said, do they all come into a single RSS feed? 

I’m afraid we don’t have a method to extract files from links then move them somewhere else. Are these links coming from other Google-based folders like Google Drive by chance? Asking because we do have a Google Drive integration:

Finally, password protected sites are not usually accessible to integrations. They’re private in that way and understandably, they seem to want to verify that you have access to those files directly by going through a credential protected interface. Would you be willing to share what interface you are referring to?

I’m sad to hear that there’s no tool that you’ve come across yet! With the variations and areas you are attempting to access, it seems like we can’t offer just one fitting solution to your need at this time.