
Save a html web page to Google Drive on a daily basis

  • 22 June 2021
  • 1 reply

Good Afternoon, 


I am wondering if Zapier has the functionality to copy a html webpage and save it into google drive as a html or pdf.


We have a file that is outputted daily to a private URL and we would like to keep a record of them. Thus could we give Zapier the private URL and have it download the report to google drive. The report is relativley small it is different KPIs and tables and charts. 


Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to provide !


Best Reagards



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1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

Hey, Nick! This one is a little tricky without knowing more about the authentication method for the private web page. Generally speaking, you could probably do this with a custom Code step.

Trigger: Schedule by Zapier

  • set it to trigger once a day at a given time

Action: Code