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How can I send Facebook click and browser IDs (fbc, fbp) for offline conversions?

  • 24 April 2020
  • 8 replies

Userlevel 1

In order to match offline conversions better, I’d like to send Facebook’s click ID and cookie ID parameters as customer data for matching. It doesn’t appear these work as key/value pairs in “custom data”, as they need to be part of the user data payload.

I am storing these cookie values in my CRM. Is there a way I can pass these through Zapier?



Best answer by Danvers 7 May 2020, 15:17

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8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @nik-ea, welcome to the Community!


Could I ask you to share a bit more information about what you’re trying to do? Have you tried using the Zapier Facebook Offline Conversion integration? It sounds like you’re using the Send Offline Data action and you’re using the  ‘Custom Data’ field to send the click and cookie IDs, but that’s not doing what you need, is that right?


I’’m not super familiar with Facebook Offline Conversions, but it’s my understanding that it will match the customer/user data based on the email address of the user. Is there specific reason why you also want the click and Cookie IDs? Do they provide a different way of matching the data?


Thanks for helping to get me up to speed with your question 🙂

Userlevel 1

Hi @Danvers - yes, I’m using the offline conversion.

The reason I need to match based on the other IDs is that this is a B2B business, and so most people have their personal email/phone/etc. in Facebook, but respond to our ads with their work information. (e.g. my facebook account is for, but I register using

Because of this, Facebook’s match rate for offline conversions i very low.

By using the unique click/cookie IDs, I should have a near-100% match between the ad click and my conversion.

I cannot use the Custom Data field, because Facebook considers the click and browser IDs to be user data (like email, phone, address, etc.), so it doesn’t work to send it as a custom parameter. (See the screenshot from Facebook’s developer tools)

What would be ideal would be to have the Facebook click and browser ID fields in the Zapier interface along with the other stock user fields.


Userlevel 1

Here’s what I’m talking about.

Also, if I have a developer capable of making this change, is it possible to just get a copy of the code for this default zap component so we could just modify it for ourselves using the dev tools?

Userlevel 1

@Danvers - hi, just checking in. Do you have any thoughts/solutions to this?

Is this something we could have built for us somehow? It would be a really great addition!!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @nik-ea I’m sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this one. 


Thanks so much for the screenshots and example of use case, they’re both super helpful in putting together a feature request for this addition. I’ve added a request for the addition of Click ID and Browser ID in the fields of the Create Offline Event action. This will:

  1. ​Let the team know that this addition will be helpful for you
  2. ​Track interest in the addition - if other users request the same thing, we'll add their vote to the request
  3. ​Remind us to send you an email if/when we have an update on this
Userlevel 1

Thank you @Danvers , I hope to see this get into the queue for improvements!

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hi @nik-ea ,


While the feature request is in the make, would you still like to achieve your goals here? You could always make a Zapier custom app yourself or have someone else do it. Me and my team have created multiple integrations which are custom made for us which works great!
Let me know if you would have any more questions.


Userlevel 1

Thank you, Bjorn, we are actually pursuing that angle now with another developer. I’ll keep you in mind if this doesn’t work out.